I received a message yesterday from a person who was at the boot workshop I presented. I asked permission if I could post the message on here, as it touched me very much. So, here it is.
"Hi Berith,
i hope it is ok that i message you here even though you were so kind
yesterday to give me your email address (which i no doubt will use in
the future!).
i just wanted to say again how much i enjoyed your workshop
yesterday. i felt incredibly honoured and privileged to sit with you
and Your Sir while you finished His boots. i have to admit that i never
have really gotten the whole "bootblacking" concept. Sir has tried to
explain it to me, the depth, the connection, the feeling of it all ...
but it escaped me ... that is, until yesterday. Dont get me wrong, i
have done Sir's boots and i have enjoyed it to a certain extent, but i
knew there was "something" missing. After watching how your Sir watched
You, quietly sitting, soft smile, the light in His eyes ... gave me
goosebumps. Although you were teaching and focused on many things at
once, i was absolutley bowled over by the connectiong between the two of
You as you did His boots. And i'm very happy to say that i think got
"it" ... i dont want to be so bold to say i completely understand, as
that will be my journey going forward, but You both opened a door to me
that i am very excited about.
i am very excited to venture forth and start obtaining the items that
will grow within my own bootblacking kit (with your guidance i hope!).
i have a feeling your handout will be referred to often ... :)
Again, thank you so much for your time, your hard work, the sharing
of your energy, and for opening my eyes to such possibilies. i do hope
that we can stay in touch ...
Warm regards, vixengrl"

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